Monday, April 7, 2014

Our Living City

There's this great new Wellington website called Our Living City. It is a place where people can post about their experiences in Wellington and the uniting theme is the environment in this great city.

Volunteer Pepper pointing out the Wünderbike workspace and storage space in Aro Park

If you have had a chance to borrow a wünderbike please let the world know what you think! Why do you ride? What do you like (or not like) about cycling in Wellington?

We submitted a little story about the beginnings of Wünderbike.
Take at look! Wünderbike on Our Living City

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ciclovia in Wellington

Hey friends,
Wünderbike is officially open to the public. Visit our membership page to find out how to rent our free bicycles.

We showcased the bicycles at Wellington's first Ciclovía last weekend. Three of our bikes were rented out to Wellingtonians for the event. Thankfully it was a stunningly gorgeous sunny wünderful and almost wind-less day.
Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hot off the press!

Have a read through this week's article about Wunderbike in the Dominion Post!

Bike sharing outfit sets up shop

29 January 2014

Residents and visitors of Wellington will soon be able to pick up a bike and ride around the capital without it costing them a cent.

WUNDERBAR: Wunderbike members Jesse Doud, left, and Sylvie Froncek who are part of a group which will be providing free bikes.
Volunteers at the Aro Valley Community Centre have developed Wunderbike, a community bike-sharing programme similar to the white bikes in France or yellow bikes in Amsterdam.
The group's Pledge Me campaign met its target in five days in December and continues to receive pledges towards the scheme, which will run on the basis of people registering and borrowing a bike for free for up to one week.
Sylvie Froncek, a Wunderbike organiser, says the idea is to promote cycling by making it accessible to everyone.
"We used to have the community bike shop and we would lend some out to people but they went missing and weren't well maintained so it stopped," Froncek says.
"One of the mechanics thought it would be cool to get the bike-sharing thing going again because people come by all the time asking if they can be lent a bike."
Froncek, who came to live in Wellington from America last year, says she also hopes Wunderbike will give people a chance to give cycling a go without making the investment of purchasing a bike, helping the cycling community to widen and become more accepted.
"It's also getting people who otherwise wouldn't have a chance to try it out to do so, and cycling really is the best way to see Wellington."
Froncek's philosophy is that cycling can truly help people to be happy and healthy, with emotional, physical and mental benefits, she says.
Jesse Doud, also a Wunderbike organiser, says he hopes the scheme will particularly help visitors to Wellington.
"The first thing I look for in a new city is how am I going to get a bike so I can get around and it makes me happy to think people can now think: 'I'll go get a Wunderbike'."
Doud helped to found Bike Farm in Portland, US, and Bike Kitchen in Adelaide. He says he feels Wellington is becoming a better place to cycle and he hopes ventures like Wunderbike will help move cycling into becoming more of a normal part of Wellington life.
Froncek says that Wunderbike also promotes safe cycling, providing helmets, lights and teaching new cyclists how to ride safely and successfully around the city.
Wunderbike's launch at the Aro Valley Community Centre will be in February but a date has not yet been set. See for updates and more information.

Wunderbike Article on

Friday, January 24, 2014

Look out for wunderbikes!

We just had a great meeting about Wunderbikes so we figured we should fill you all in on the latest news.

First of all, big thanks to Garage Project and Pete's mom for pledging the awesome amount of $100 to the Wunderbike campaign, as a result both parties will get to name a bike!

Thing two, we took the Wunderbike project for a little test ride (two women borrowed the bikes for a few days). Some of us were fortunate enough to bump into them unexpectedly at multiple locations around Wellington. The wunderful test subjects enjoyed their biking time and expressed great enthusiasm for the project and then they returned the bikes to our temporary Wunderbike parking spot outside of the Mechanical Tempest!

And last but not least, our WUNDERBIKE LAUNCH DATE is set for February 16th. It will happen in tandem with Wellington Ciclovia and in collaboration with our friends at Frocks on Bikes. More information will be coming soon.

designed by Stacey Kerr and Pepper Curry

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pledge Me! Join the Wunderbike campaign

Hey guys, it's the big day! Our PledgeMe is off and running, and we need your loving support so we can get our bikes out into the world safely and with panash! Make a pledge here, and we'll love you forever: 
 Wunderbike Pledge Me