NZ Transport Agency's Rules of the Road
Before cycling on the road you must know the road rules. They apply to cyclists as well as those using motor vehicles. The rules help to prevent crashes and reduce risk of injury.Equipment rules
- Cycle helmets must: be worn; meet an approved standard and be securely fastened.
- Cycles must have brakes and reflectors.
- Cycle lights must be on when it's dim or dark.
- Doubling is not allowed unless there is a special seat called a pillion fitted and there are footrests for the passenger. The legs of small children must be protected from the wheels. Passengers must wear cycle helmets.

Behaviour rules
- Always ride as near as you can to the left side of the road. If you are holding back traffic you must move as far as possible to the left side of the road to allow traffic to pass, as soon as you can. However, you do need to cycle in a sensible position on the road to keep safe. See Cyclist responsibilities for more information.
- Two cyclists can ride next to each other but should take into account the keep left rule and not hold back traffic. Three or more people cycling next to each other is illegal, except in the case of a road race that has been given traffic management approval from a road controlling authority.
- Ride in single file when passing vehicles.
- Use hand signals to show other road users what you are doing.
- You are only allowed to cycle on the footpath if you are:
- delivering newspapers or mail, or
- you are riding a small wheeled recreational device that has a wheel diameter of less than 355 millimetres (typically tricycles or small children's bicycles).
- Don't park your cycle so that it blocks paths or driveways.
- It is illegal for a cyclist to be towed on their cycle.
- You must obey all signs and signals.
- You must obey the give way rules and give way at pedestrian crossings.
- You must obey local bylaws (these often cover cycles and parks).
- Give way to emergency vehicles when their sirens are on or when lights are flashing. It is a good idea to pull over to the kerb and stop.
- Texting while riding is illegal.
Learn more at NZ Transport Agency Bike Page
How to Lock your Bike
How to Lock your Bike
The best way to lock your bike is dependent on the bike shape, where you are locking it, the type of wheel securing apparatuses (quick release skewer or solid axle with nuts) and the type of lock. With that said, here is an example of some good locking techniques.
The main goal is to get the lock through both wheels, the bike frame and around the bike rack, post or other object that you are locking it to.
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